See also variant(), version(), and createUuidV5(). ns is the namespace and baseData is the basic data as described by RFC 4122. This function returns a new UUID with variant QUuid::DCE and version QUuid::Md5. QUuid QUuid:: createUuidV3(const QUuid & ns, const QByteArray & baseData)

On Windows, a GUID is generated using the Windows API and will be of the type that the API decides to create. On any platform other than Windows, this function returns a new UUID with variant QUuid::DCE and version QUuid::Random. Warning: This function is only for Windows platforms. If you create instances of QUuid using the constructor that accepts all the numeric values as parameters, use the following table to set the three most significant bits of parameter b1, which becomes QUuid::data4 and contains the variant field in its three most significant bits. It extracts the three most significant bits of byte 8 of the 16 bytes. Call variant() to discover which type of UUID an instance of QUuid contains. Each UUID contains a bit field that specifies which type (variant) of UUID it is. The acronym GUID is often used instead, Globally Unique IDentifiers, but it refers to the same thing.Īctually, the GUID is one variant of UUID. A UUID is a 16-byte (128-bit) number generated by some algorithm that is meant to guarantee that the UUID will be unique in the distributed computing environment where it is used. Using Universally Unique IDentifiers (UUID) is a standard way to uniquely identify entities in a distributed computing environment.